Thursday, August 28, 2008

Downloadable audio books

Again I have just found something new! I sat at my computer and had a travel book on France and places to see read out to me! How fabulous. Reading about Project Gutenberg was very interesting. Their target of 15% of the world having electronic books available to them in the next decade is astounding. The time these volunteers must put in to enable the world to have access to books they may never have been able to get their hands on is unbelievable. The fact that Project Gutenberg was around long before the internet was and it has thrived is also amazing.

I also enjoyed searching the books on overdrive downloadable media, well done Yarra Plenty for building such a terrific library online. I must admit, I'm not such a reader of books as I just can't find the time, but could easily sit at my desk and listen to one being read to me - very therapeutic I think!

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